I'm in the process of helping my daughter narrow down her choices for college. Where will she end up next year. answer, depends on what I can afford and how well she does on her ACT this weekend. Fingers crossed. Iowa has a bunch of really good schools but they are still not cheap. Kirkwood might be the route to go for the first 2 years so I can have more time to win the lotto fto pay for her last two years. I saw an article today. Good news - Free College for your kids. Bad news - You must live in San Francisco and you need to live there for 1 year and a day to qualify. Really bad news - Rent and cost of living in San Francisco will cost you more than it would to send your kids to a normal 4 year college. Great intentions but doubtful that most cities will adopt this plan. Nice o see it doesn't matter what the income level is so no student can say they can't afford it. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee announced this week that the city is going to be the first in the country to make City College free for all students - no matter what their income is. “To California residents who are living in San Francisco,” He says “your community college is now free.”
How can they do it. The funds will come from raising real estate transfer tax for commercial and residential properties valued at over $5-million. The city will guarantee close to $5.4-million a year to City College for tuition of students who live in San Francisco.