We’re finally here.. the first official Bike Night of the summer is Thursday night.. JJ Cook for Metro Harley Davidson Suzuki Can-am. Ready for all the fun and excitement of metro motor madness bike nights. If you’ve never been, its 3 hours of what I call motorcycle networking, live music, adult beverages, and mutual admiration of some of the coolest bikes in Iowa. If you come out Thursday night, you might want to come early and take this week’s bike of the week for a test ride: a 2012 Harley Davidson Fat Bob FXDF.. its dark, its custom and packed with goodies like the larger air cooled twin cam engine, 6 speed cruise drive transmission which makes hill climbs and passing a piece of cake, not to mention easy hauling passengers or cargo. Just over 13 thousand miles and priced right under $10,500. Check out the photo here Hope to see you Thursday night for Motorcycle awareness night at Motor Madness Bike Night at Metro Harley Davidson Suzuki Can-am your authorized Harley Davidson dealer in Cedar Rapids.